The latest update for iOS has passed Apple review and been released for iOS today.
This brings the iOS version up to date with the Android version and includes:
- Metric Measurements Option so you don’t have to work in Feet/Inches/pounds if you don’t want to.
- Explanation why your fighter may not be offered a fight.
- Fights changed to No Contest only when the winner fails a drug test
- Players can now skip tutorial on subsequent playthroughs
- Fighter goals with a zero desired losses can now be achieved.
- As well as quite a few other small fixes and changes.
As we mentioned in our last blog post this will be the last week that MMA Manager is available at the introductory price of $1.99 USD/$2.49 CAN/£1.99 so we suggest you grab it now if you haven’t already.
Next update wise, we’re working away on 1.2 which will have even more improvements and changes and hope to submit to Apple and release on Google Play later this week.